Privileged Logic

confederate monument lovers… you want to honor your ancestors’ fight to uphold their racist & unpatriotic antics and belief system AND simultaneously not be held accountable for their actions. my my, what big privilege you have there, boys & girls. all the better to micro-aggressively brutalize us with, it seems. ~T. Caniel~

thoughts on current events: recent protests

someone posted question on Facebook about whether or not a statue celebrating civil war soldiers should remain standing in my hometown, Statesville NC. my thoughts after i saw that post and after taking in some of the happenings surrounding the recent protest/riot in Charlottesville, VA are as follows: the issue is less about the physical…

First Post of the Year

Peace.  It’s too late by some people’s standards to wish you a happy new year, but I’m gonna do it anyway.  Happy New Year! Today is MLK Day.  Some people are off work today.  Not me. I’m an entrepreneur so I technically work everyday.  My work today consists of nothing major, just working on a…

Birthday Reflections 2016: 3 Years After Mexico

Three years ago today it happened… a shift caused by the night previous. i had just celebrated my 32nd solar return, and under the lunar lamp of my 32nd moon, my small frame was jolted as i was forced to the ground an AK 47 shoved into my back under a barrage of curses &…

On A Break…

I finally feel as if I’m getting a handle on things.  I am on a break from the road currently and I can breathe deeply again for the first time in months. It’s crazy how stressful traveling can be, especially when you are traveling every week and the time between that traveling is filled with…